Guide Large Language Models
LLM Evaluation: Top 10 Metrics and Benchmarks
LLM Evaluation: Top 10 Metrics and Benchmarks
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 10, 2024

What Is Large Language Model (LLM) Evaluation? 

LLM evaluation involves assessing the performance of AI-driven language models, like OpenAI GPT, Google Gemini, and Meta LLaMA, on various tasks. These evaluations test whether the model understands language structures and can generate relevant, coherent text based on given inputs.

Evaluation methods vary, ranging from simple syntactical correctness to more complex interpretations like sentiment analysis and information retrieval capabilities. The goal is to measure a model’s linguistic abilities, contextual accuracy, and responsiveness to diverse prompts.

Why Is LLM Evaluation Needed? 

LLM evaluation is crucial for several reasons:

  1. It ensures models meet quality and performance standards necessary for real-world applications. Effective evaluation helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses, enabling developers to make improvements.
  2. Evaluations help in benchmarking different models, providing a basis for comparison. This is important for researchers and businesses to choose the most suitable model for their needs.
  3. Evaluation mitigates risks associated with deploying language models. By understanding the limitations and potential biases, developers can implement safeguards to prevent misuse and ensure ethical deployment.

Key LLM Evaluation Metrics 

Here are some of the main metrics used to evaluate large language models.

1. Response Completeness and Conciseness

It’s important to measure how thoroughly and succinctly a model addresses a given prompt or question.

Completeness involves assessing whether the model’s response includes all necessary information to fully answer the question or fulfill the prompt. A complete response provides all relevant details, covering the topic in depth without omitting critical points. Incomplete responses can lead to misunderstandings or the need for additional queries.

Conciseness evaluates the model’s ability to provide the necessary information in a succinct manner. Concise responses avoid unnecessary verbosity and focus on delivering clear, direct information. Excessively long or rambling responses can be less effective, as they might obscure the main points and reduce readability.

2. Text Similarity

Text similarity metrics measure the degree of similarity between the generated text and a reference text. These metrics are particularly useful in tasks like paraphrasing, summarization, and translation:

  • Cosine similarity: Calculates the cosine of the angle between two vectors in a multi-dimensional space, representing the text as vectors of words or phrases. Higher cosine similarity indicates greater similarity between the texts.
  • Jaccard index: Measures the similarity between two sets by dividing the size of their intersection by the size of their union. For text, this typically involves comparing sets of words or n-grams. A higher Jaccard index indicates more shared content between the texts.
  • BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy): Commonly used in machine translation and evaluates how closely the generated text matches one or more reference translations. It considers n-gram overlaps, where higher BLEU scores indicate better translation quality.

3. Question Answering Accuracy

Accuracy metrics evaluate how well a model can understand a question and provide a correct answer based on given context:

  • Exact match (EM): Measures the percentage of answers that exactly match the reference answers. It is a strict metric where even minor deviations result in a non-match.
  • F1 score: Considers both precision (the proportion of relevant answers out of all generated answers) and recall (the proportion of relevant answers out of all possible relevant answers). It provides a balanced measure of a model’s accuracy in answering questions.

Datasets like the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) are often used for evaluating question answering accuracy. High accuracy in this area is important for applications like virtual assistants and automated customer support.

4. Hallucination Index

The hallucination index measures the frequency and severity of fabricated or nonsensical content generated by the model:

  • Frequency of hallucination: This refers to how often the model generates false or misleading information. Frequent hallucinations can undermine the reliability of the model, especially in critical applications like medical advice or legal document generation.
  • Severity of hallucination: This assesses the impact of the hallucinated content. Severe hallucinations might involve completely invented facts or dangerous recommendations, while minor ones might involve slight inaccuracies or embellishments.

Reducing the hallucination index aids in building trustworthy AI systems. Developers use this metric to refine models and implement checks to minimize the generation of erroneous content.

5. Task-Specific Metrics

Task-specific metrics are tailored to evaluate model performance on particular tasks, ensuring that the evaluation aligns with the unique requirements and objectives of those tasks. For example:

  • BLEU score for translation: In machine translation, the BLEU score is often used to evaluate how well the translated text aligns with reference translations. It focuses on precision and n-gram overlap.
  • ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation): Used primarily for summarization tasks, ROUGE measures the recall of n-grams, sentences, and word sequences between the generated summary and reference summaries. Higher ROUGE scores indicate better summarization quality.
  • Sentiment analysis metrics: These metrics assess the model’s ability to correctly classify text according to sentiment categories (e.g., positive, negative, neutral). They may include accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. 
  • Perplexity: Used in language modeling, perplexity measures how well a probability model predicts a sample. Lower perplexity indicates that the model better predicts the sample, reflecting more accurate language understanding.

LLM Evaluation Benchmarks 


MMLU is a comprehensive evaluation framework designed to measure the multitask accuracy of large language models (LLMs) in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. It covers 57 tasks spanning various domains, from simple mathematics to complex legal reasoning, providing a standardized approach for evaluating LLM capabilities.

Key attributes of MMLU tasks include:

  • Diversity: Encompasses subjects from STEM to humanities and social sciences, ensuring a broad evaluation of the model’s academic and professional knowledge.
  • Granularity: Tests both general knowledge and specific problem-solving abilities, making it ideal for identifying strengths and weaknesses in LLMs.
  • Multitask Accuracy: Evaluates the model’s ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, reflecting real-world applications where diverse skills are required.

MMLU assesses model performance based on several criteria: coherence (logical consistency of responses), relevance (appropriateness of answers to questions), detail (depth and thoroughness of responses), and clarity (understandability of responses). These criteria ensure a thorough evaluation of the models’ capabilities across various tasks, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement.

7. HellaSwag

HellaSwag is designed to evaluate grounded commonsense inference in large language models (LLMs), challenging their ability to understand and infer physical situations. Developed by Zellers et al. (2019), it consists of 70,000 multiple-choice questions derived from video captions that describe real-world events. 

Each question presents a context and four possible endings, with only one correct answer. The incorrect options, termed “adversarial endings,” are designed to be misleadingly plausible, containing expected words and phrases but ultimately defying common sense.

Key attributes of HellaSwag tasks include:

  • Complexity: Requires nuanced understanding of the physical world and human behavior, making it challenging for LLMs that rely on probabilistic reasoning.
  • Predictive Ability: Tests the model’s capability to predict the logical continuation of a narrative based on the provided context.
  • Human Behavior Understanding: Necessitates an accurate grasp of human actions and events, which LLMs often find difficult.

HellaSwag uses adversarial filtering (AF) to create deceptive incorrect answers. This process generates plausible yet incorrect completions to challenge LLMs while remaining easily distinguishable for humans. The evaluation criteria focus on the model’s ability to comprehend the given context, the correctness of the chosen ending, and its resistance to being misled by adversarial endings.

8. GLUE Benchmark

The General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark is a collection of tools for evaluating the performance of models across a diverse set of existing natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. It was introduced to encourage the development of models that can share general linguistic knowledge across tasks, and it includes a variety of tasks with differing levels of training data availability and task difficulty​​.

GLUE is designed to facilitate the creation of unified models capable of handling a range of linguistic tasks in different domains. It comprises several tasks, such as question answering, sentiment analysis, and textual entailment. The benchmark does not impose any restrictions on model architecture beyond the ability to process single-sentence and sentence-pair inputs and make corresponding predictions​​.

Key attributes of the GLUE benchmark include:

  • Task Diversity: GLUE includes tasks of varying formats and difficulties, encouraging the development of robust models that can generalize across different types of linguistic challenges​​.
  • Diagnostic Dataset: It features a hand-crafted diagnostic test suite for detailed linguistic analysis of models, allowing researchers to probe models’ understanding of complex linguistic phenomena such as logical operators and world knowledge​​.
  • Evaluation Metrics: The benchmark evaluates models using a variety of metrics tailored to each task, including accuracy, F1 score, and correlation coefficients. These metrics help ensure a comprehensive assessment of model performance​​.
  • Baseline and Leaderboard: GLUE provides baseline results using current methods for transfer and representation learning and includes an online platform for model evaluation and comparison, promoting transparency and progress tracking in NLU research​​.

GLUE’s comprehensive framework and rigorous evaluation criteria make it a cornerstone benchmark for advancing research in general-purpose language understanding systems​​.

9. SuperGLUE Benchmark

SuperGLUE is an advanced benchmark designed to evaluate the performance of general-purpose language understanding models. Building on the GLUE benchmark, SuperGLUE introduces more challenging tasks and refined evaluation metrics.

SuperGLUE comprises eight diverse tasks: BoolQ (boolean question answering), CB (CommitmentBank for NLI), COPA (causal reasoning), MultiRC (multi-sentence reading comprehension), ReCoRD (reading comprehension with commonsense reasoning), RTE (recognizing textual entailment), WiC (word-in-context), and WSC (Winograd Schema Challenge for coreference resolution).

Key attributes of SuperGLUE tasks include:

  • Task Difficulty: Selected for their complexity, these tasks are beyond the capabilities of current state-of-the-art systems.
  • Diverse Formats: Includes a variety of formats such as QA, NLI, WSD, and coreference resolution.
  • Human Baselines: Provides human performance estimates for all tasks, ensuring substantial headroom between machine and human performance.
  • Enhanced Toolkit: Distributed with a comprehensive toolkit supporting pretraining, multi-task learning, and transfer learning.

Evaluation metrics focus on accuracy, F1 score, and exact match, tailored to each specific task. SuperGLUE emphasizes robustness and generalizability, encouraging the development of models capable of handling a wide range of language understanding tasks.

10. TruthfulQA

TruthfulQA is a benchmark developed by researchers from the University of Oxford and OpenAI to evaluate the truthfulness of language models. It measures their ability to avoid generating human-like falsehoods through two main tasks: a generation task and a multiple-choice task, both using the same set of questions and reference answers.

  • Generation Task: Requires generating a 1-2 sentence answer to a given question, with a primary objective of maximizing truthfulness and a secondary objective of ensuring informativeness.
  • Multiple-choice Task: Tests the model’s ability to identify true statements among multiple options.

The evaluation criteria for TruthfulQA emphasize two primary objectives: the percentage of answers that are true (truthfulness) and the percentage that provide informative content (informativeness). This benchmark challenges LLMs to produce accurate and useful responses without resorting to evasive answers.

Challenges with LLM Evaluation Methods 

There are several challenges involved in evaluating large language models:

  • Overfitting: This occurs when a language model performs exceedingly well on training data but fails to generalize to unseen data. An overfitted model might appear to function well based on the evaluation metrics derived from the training dataset, giving a false impression of its effectiveness. 
  • Data contamination: The inadvertent inclusion of test data in the training dataset. This can lead to inflated performance metrics since the model has already “seen” the test data before evaluation. 
  • Biases in automated evaluations: Automated evaluation metrics, such as BLEU and ROUGE, may inadvertently introduce biases that do not accurately reflect a model’s real-world performance. These metrics can favor certain linguistic structures or overlook nuances in language understanding. 
  • Subjectivity and high cost of human evaluations: Human evaluations are useful for capturing nuanced language understanding, but they are inherently subjective and can be expensive and time-consuming. Variability in human judgment can lead to inconsistent results, and it can be expensive to hire and manage evaluators. 

Best Practices for Evaluating Large Language Models 

Here are some of the ways that organizations can improve their LLM evaluation strategies.

Implement LLMOps

LLMOps, short for operations for managing large language models, involves integrating continuous evaluation, monitoring, and maintenance into the model lifecycle. This ensures that models remain reliable over time. By automating routine evaluations, developers can continuously monitor model performance and detect deviations from expected behavior. 

Tools and practices under LLMOps include automated testing pipelines, performance dashboards, and alert systems for significant changes in output quality. LLMOps also emphasizes version control and documentation, making it easier to track changes and understand the impact of different training iterations. 

Use Multiple Evaluation Metrics or Benchmarks

Using a variety of LLM evaluation metrics provides a complete view of a model’s capabilities. Relying on a single metric can give an incomplete or skewed understanding of performance. Therefore, it is important to use metrics that cover different aspects of language understanding and generation. 

For example, BLEU and ROUGE scores measure the quality of translations and summaries, focusing on n-gram overlaps with reference texts.  However, these metrics might not capture the nuance and fluency of natural language. Metrics like the F1 score provide a balanced view of accuracy in tasks like information retrieval and question answering. 

Incorporate Human Evaluation

While automated metrics are useful, human evaluation is essential in assessing large language models. Human evaluators can provide insights into the subtle aspects of language that machines might miss, such as contextual understanding, coherence, and the appropriateness of responses. Involving a diverse group of evaluators can help mitigate individual biases.

To enhance human evaluation, it is important to establish clear and standardized criteria that evaluators can follow. Training evaluators on these criteria helps ensure consistency and reliability in their assessments. Additionally, annotation tools and scoring platforms can simplify the evaluation process, enabling accurate data collection, analysis, and reporting. 

Implement Real-World Evaluation

Real-world evaluation involves testing models in practical, real-life scenarios beyond controlled environments. This ensures that models are ready for deployment in diverse contexts. Analyzing performance in live applications helps identify gaps that may not be evident in laboratory settings. For example, models might perform well in controlled tests but struggle with dialectal variations, idiomatic expressions, or domain-specific jargon in real-world interactions.

Real-world evaluation can be conducted through pilot projects, where models are deployed in a limited, controlled setting to gather initial feedback and performance data. User feedback provides insights into the model’s strengths and areas needing improvement from the end-user perspective.  

AI Testing & Validation with Kolena

Kolena is an AI/ML testing & validation platform that solves one of AI’s biggest problems: the lack of trust in model effectiveness. The use cases for AI are enormous, but AI lacks trust from both builders and the public. It is our responsibility to build that trust with full transparency and explainability of ML model performance, not just from a high-level aggregate ‘accuracy’ number, but from rigorous testing and evaluation at scenario levels.

With Kolena, machine learning engineers and data scientists can uncover hidden machine learning model behaviors, easily identify gaps in the test data coverage, and truly learn where and why a model is underperforming, all in minutes not weeks. Kolena’s AI / ML model testing and validation solution helps developers build safe, reliable, and fair systems by allowing companies to instantly stitch together razor-sharp test cases from their data sets, enabling them to scrutinize AI/ML models in the precise scenarios those models will be unleashed upon the real world. Kolena platform transforms the current nature of AI development from experimental into an engineering discipline that can be trusted and automated.