Guide Large Language Models
LLM Fine-Tuning: Use Cases, Best Practices, and Top 8 PEFT Methods
LLM Fine-Tuning: Use Cases, Best Practices, and Top 8 PEFT Methods
Oct 10, 2024
Oct 10, 2024

What Is LLM Fine-Tuning? 

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 or LLaMA 3 become more efficient through fine-tuning, a process that adjusts an already trained model to specific tasks or datasets. This involves additional training phases where the LLM is improved to better comprehend and produce more accurate responses for specific use cases.

Fine-tuning allows organizations to customize generic language models to fit unique business needs without the resource-intensive process of training a model from scratch. By pinpointing areas for improvement, fine-tuning makes models like GPT-4 more practical for specialized applications, enhancing both performance and relevance.

LLM Fine-Tuning vs RAG: What Is the Difference? 

Fine-tuning involves taking a pre-trained language model and further training it on a specific dataset to adapt it for particular tasks. This process refines the model’s understanding and generation capabilities, making it more effective in specialized applications. For example, an LLM like GPT-4 can be fine-tuned on medical literature to assist in diagnosing conditions or on legal documents to draft legal contracts. Fine-tuning updates the model’s parameters to optimize performance for the designated task.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) uses a retriever model to find relevant documents or information from a large corpus and then uses a generator model to create responses based on the retrieved information. RAG does not modify the underlying LLM, it only augments it with additional context to improve relevance. This approach is useful for tasks that require access to up-to-date or extensive domain-specific knowledge, as the retriever can pull in the most relevant data. For example, a RAG system can retrieve recent news articles or scientific papers to generate informed summaries or answers.

Key differences include:

  • Training and adaptation: LLM fine-tuning requires additional training on specific datasets to tailor the model for a particular task, whereas RAG uses retrieval to augment the generative process without re-training.
  • Data utilization: Fine-tuning uses static, pre-defined datasets for model adaptation. In contrast, RAG dynamically retrieves information, making it suitable for tasks that need real-time or contextually relevant data.
  • Computational requirements: Fine-tuning can be resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power for training. RAG does not require re-training, however it is more computationally demanding during inference, because of the need to dynamically retrieve relevant data for every query.
  • Performance and flexibility: Fine-tuned LLMs are effective in specialized tasks with consistent datasets, providing high accuracy within those domains. RAG systems offer flexibility and broader applicability, especially when dealing with diverse or evolving information sources.

Key Use Cases for LLM Fine-Tuning 

Here are some of the main applications for fine-tuning LLMs.

Task-Specific Adaptation

Fine-tuning allows LLMs to be tailored for highly specialized tasks that require domain-specific knowledge. For example, in the healthcare sector, an LLM can be fine-tuned with medical literature, patient records, and clinical guidelines to assist in diagnosing conditions, suggesting treatments, or summarizing patient histories. 

Overcoming Limited Labeled Data

When labeled data is scarce, fine-tuning can significantly improve the performance of LLMs by using the available data more effectively. For example, in niche fields like marine biology or quantum physics, obtaining large datasets may be impractical. 

Fine-tuning allows these models to learn from a smaller, representative set of labeled examples, achieving considerable improvements in performance without the need for extensive data collection efforts. This capability is particularly useful in research and development environments where innovative solutions are needed but data availability is limited.

Bias Mitigation

Pre-trained LLMs can sometimes show biases due to the data they were originally trained on. Fine-tuning provides an opportunity to address these biases by using curated datasets that are balanced and representative of diverse perspectives. 

For example, an LLM fine-tuned with a dataset that represents a minority group, which is not sufficiently present in its pre-trained dataset, can help reduce biases related to that minority group. This leads to the development of fairer AI systems that generate more equitable outputs, which is critical in applications like hiring processes, loan approvals, and social media content moderation.

Data Security and Compliance

In industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, models must meet data security and compliance requirements. Fine-tuning allows organizations to customize LLMs using their secure, private datasets without compromising sensitive information. 

For example, a financial institution can fine-tune an LLM on its proprietary transaction data to detect fraudulent activities while ensuring that the data remains confidential and compliant with regulations like GDPR or HIPAA. Similarly, government agencies can use fine-tuned models to analyze intelligence data or manage public records securely. 

What Is Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT)?

Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) is a set of techniques designed to fine-tune large language models without updating all the model parameters, significantly reducing the computational resources required. Instead of modifying the entire model, PEFT focuses on adjusting a small subset of parameters, making the process more efficient and cost-effective. This is particularly useful for applications where computational resources are limited or where multiple fine-tuning tasks need to be performed.

PEFT techniques often involve methods such as adding lightweight modules, updating specific components like biases, or utilizing low-rank approximations of the model’s weight matrices. These strategies enable fine-tuning with minimal changes to the original model, preserving its pre-trained knowledge while allowing for task-specific adaptations.

8 Methods for Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLMs 

There are several ways to fine-tune a large language model.

1. Adapter-Based Fine-Tuning

In adapter-based fine-tuning, small, trainable layers called adapters are inserted into each layer of a pre-trained model. These adapters adjust the model’s outputs without changing the original weights, preserving the pre-trained knowledge while allowing for task-specific modifications. There are several variants, including Sequential Adapter, Residual Adapter, and Parallel Adapter.

Sequential Adapters are inserted sequentially within each layer, modifying the output progressively. Residual Adapters add task-specific adjustments as residual connections, making fine-tuning more stable. Parallel Adapters introduce parallel branches within each layer, enabling multiple tasks to be processed simultaneously. 

Adapter-based fine-tuning is particularly useful for multi-task learning scenarios, where different adapters can be used for different tasks, enabling the model to switch contexts seamlessly. This method is efficient and modular, reducing the need for extensive computational resources.

2. Soft Prompt-Based Fine-Tuning

Soft prompt-based fine-tuning involves appending learnable vectors (prompts) to the input tokens of a pre-trained model. These prompts guide the model to generate task-specific outputs without altering the original model weights. Techniques such as WARP, Prompt-tuning, and Prefix-tuning fall under this category.

WARP (Weighted Adaptive Recurrent Prompt) fine-tunes prompts to adjust model behavior dynamically. Prompt-tuning focuses on optimizing a small number of prompt tokens added to the input, significantly reducing computational load. Prefix-tuning appends prompts as prefixes to the input, allowing the model to learn task-specific patterns efficiently. 

This approach is highly efficient as it requires only the training of additional prompt vectors, making it suitable for scenarios with limited computational resources but a need for customization.

3. Bias Update

Bias update methods involve fine-tuning only the bias terms of the model’s parameters, reducing the number of parameters that need to be updated. Examples include BitFit, which adjusts only the bias terms in the model, maintaining the original weights and reducing computational overhead.

Bias updates are useful when a lightweight fine-tuning approach is necessary, especially in environments with limited computational capacity. By focusing on the bias terms, these methods strike a balance between model performance and computational cost. This approach is suitable for scenarios that prioritize maintaining the pre-trained model’s integrity, such as when the original training data is not available.

4. Pretrained Weight Masking

Pretrained weight masking techniques modify the existing weights of a pre-trained model by applying masks, which selectively adjust parts of the model based on task relevance. Threshold-Mask and FISH Mask are examples of this approach.

Threshold-Mask applies a threshold to the model’s weights, retaining only the weights that contribute to the relevant task. FISH Mask uses a more sophisticated method to identify and mask weights, enhancing task-specific performance. This approach allows for efficient fine-tuning by concentrating computational efforts on the most critical parts of the model. 

5. Delta Weight Masking

Delta weight masking methods, such as LT-SFT (Layer-Tunable Soft Fine-Tuning) and Diff Pruning, focus on fine-tuning only the differences (deltas) between the pre-trained weights and the target weights. This approach minimizes changes, making the process computationally efficient.

LT-SFT adjusts only the layer-specific parameters that significantly impact the task, while Diff Pruning identifies and updates the most relevant weights, reducing the overall computational burden. Delta weight masking is suitable for applications that need rapid adaptation with minimal computational overhead. 

6. Low-Rank Decomposition (LoRA)

Low-rank decomposition methods like LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) and KronA (Kronecker-based Adaptation) decompose the weight matrices of a pre-trained model into lower-dimensional representations. This reduces the number of parameters that need to be fine-tuned, making it suitable for scenarios where memory and storage are constrained.

LoRA decomposes the model’s weights into low-rank matrices, enabling efficient fine-tuning by focusing on a smaller number of parameters. KronA uses Kronecker-based techniques to achieve similar results, further optimizing the model’s performance with reduced computational requirements. 

7. LoRA Derivatives

LoRA derivatives, such as DyLoRA (Dynamic LoRA) and AdaLoRA (Adaptive LoRA), extend the basic LoRA approach by introducing dynamic or adaptive components. These methods further optimize the efficiency of low-rank adjustments by tailoring the fine-tuning process to the characteristics of the data.

DyLoRA dynamically adjusts the low-rank components based on the task requirements, while AdaLoRA adapts the parameters throughout the fine-tuning process to optimize performance continually.

8. Hybrid and Unified Fine-Tuning

Hybrid fine-tuning combines multiple fine-tuning methods to leverage their respective strengths. Techniques like MAM Adapter and Compacter use a mix of adapter-based and soft prompt-based approaches to achieve optimal performance.

Unified fine-tuning approaches integrate various fine-tuning techniques into a cohesive framework. For example, AdaMix combines adaptive mixing of fine-tuning methods to achieve optimal performance across multiple tasks. SparseAdapter uses sparse representations to enhance efficiency. 

The LLM Fine-Tuning Process 

Here’s an overview of the process of re-training a large language model on a task-specific dataset.

Data Preparation

Data preparation involves collecting and curating a high-quality dataset that is representative of the task or domain for which the model is being fine-tuned. The dataset should be annotated accurately to ensure the model learns the correct patterns and nuances.

Key steps in data preparation include:

  1. Data collection: Gather relevant data from various sources such as domain-specific documents, user interactions, or publicly available datasets.
  2. Data cleaning: Remove any noise or irrelevant information from the collected data. This includes eliminating duplicates, correcting errors, and ensuring consistency in formatting.
  3. Annotation: Label the data accurately to provide clear guidance for the model during training. This step is crucial for tasks like named entity recognition or sentiment analysis, where precise labels are needed.
  4. Data splitting: Divide the dataset into training, validation, and test sets. The training set is used to fine-tune the model, the validation set is used to tune hyperparameters and avoid overfitting, and the test set evaluates the model’s performance.
  5. Data augmentation: In cases where data is limited, techniques such as data augmentation can be applied to artificially increase the size and diversity of the dataset. This includes methods like paraphrasing, synonym replacement, and back-translation.

Choosing the Right Pretrained Model

The choice of pretrained model depends on several factors, including the complexity of the task, the domain-specific requirements, and computational resources available.

Considerations for choosing a pre-trained model include:

  1. Model architecture: Different models have varying architectures suited for different tasks. Today there are multiple state of the art LLMs available, both commercial and open source, and it’s important to compare them for the relevant task using standardized benchmarks and qualitative testing.
  2. Pretraining data: Evaluate the dataset on which the model was initially trained. A model pre-trained on a diverse and extensive dataset will have a broader understanding of language, which can be advantageous for fine-tuning.
  3. Size and parameters: Larger models generally offer better performance due to their higher capacity to learn complex patterns. However, they also require more computational resources. Balance the need for accuracy with the available resources.
  4. Task relevance: Choose a model that has been pre-trained on data relevant to the task or domain. For example, an LLM pre-trained on data specific to the health industry is Google’s Med-PaLM. Starting from a specialized model like this, if relevant to the use case, could yield improved results.

Identifying the Right Parameters for Fine-Tuning

Fine-tuning involves adjusting several parameters to optimize model performance for the specific task. Key parameters to consider include:

  1. Learning rate: Set an appropriate learning rate to control the speed at which the model learns. A too-high learning rate can cause the model to converge too quickly to a suboptimal solution, while a too-low rate can result in slow convergence.
  2. Batch size: Determine the size of data batches used in each training iteration. Larger batch sizes can lead to faster training but require more memory, while smaller batches can provide more accurate updates at the cost of increased training time.
  3. Epochs: Decide the number of epochs, or complete passes through the training dataset. More epochs can improve model performance but also risk overfitting if not monitored carefully.
  4. Dropout rate: Implement dropout techniques to prevent overfitting by randomly deactivating neurons during training. This encourages the model to learn more robust features.
  5. Regularization techniques: Use methods such as L2 regularization to penalize large weights and prevent overfitting, ensuring the model generalizes well to new data.


Validation helps ensure the model generalizes well to unseen data and performs accurately on a given task. During validation, the model’s performance is assessed on a separate validation dataset not used during training.

Key steps in validation include:

  1. Performance metrics: Choose appropriate metrics to evaluate the model’s performance. Common metrics include accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and mean squared error, depending on the nature of the task.
  2. Hyperparameter tuning: Adjust hyperparameters based on validation results to optimize model performance. Techniques such as grid search or random search can be employed to systematically explore different hyperparameter combinations.
  3. Cross-validation: Implement cross-validation techniques to further ensure the model’s robustness. This involves splitting the training data into multiple subsets and training the model multiple times, each time with a different subset as the validation set.
  4. Early stopping: Use early stopping to prevent overfitting by halting training when the model’s performance on the validation set starts to degrade.

Model Iteration

Model iteration involves refining the model through repeated cycles of training, validation, and parameter tuning. This helps in progressively enhancing the model’s performance.

Key steps in model iteration include:

  1. Error analysis: Analyze errors made by the model to identify patterns and areas for improvement. This can reveal weaknesses in the model’s understanding and guide further fine-tuning efforts.
  2. Data augmentation: Enhance the training dataset with additional examples or synthetic data to address identified weaknesses and improve model robustness.
  3. Incremental updates: Make incremental adjustments to hyperparameters, model architecture, or training strategies based on validation feedback. Avoid making drastic changes that could destabilize the training process.
  4. Continuous monitoring: Continuously monitor the model’s performance on both training and validation datasets to ensure consistent improvements and detect any signs of overfitting.

Model Deployment

Deploying the fine-tuned model involves integrating it into a production environment where it can be used to perform the desired tasks. Key steps in model deployment include:

  1. Scalability: Ensure the deployment infrastructure can handle the expected load and scale as demand increases. This may involve using cloud-based solutions or distributed computing.
  2. Monitoring and maintenance: Set up monitoring systems to track the model’s performance in real-time and detect any degradation over time. Regular maintenance updates may be required to retrain the model with new data or adjust parameters.
  3. Security and compliance: Implement security measures to protect the model and data from unauthorized access. Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards, particularly in sensitive industries like healthcare and finance.
  4. User feedback: Collect feedback from users to understand how the model performs in real-world scenarios. This feedback can guide further refinements and updates to the model.

Challenges of LLM Fine-Tuning 

The process of fine-tuning an LLM can involve several challenges.


During fine-tuning, the model might become too tailored to the specifics of the fine-tuning dataset, capturing noise and peculiarities rather than generalizable patterns. This can lead to a drop in performance when the model is applied to new, unseen data. 

Overfitting is particularly problematic when the fine-tuning dataset is small or not sufficiently diverse, causing the model to perform well on the training data but poorly in real-world applications.

Data Requirements

Effective fine-tuning requires high-quality, task-specific data, which can be challenging to obtain. For specialized domains, collecting and annotating sufficient data can be time-consuming and costly. 

Additionally, the training data must be representative of the intended application to ensure the model learns relevant patterns. In cases where labeled data is scarce, the fine-tuning process may not yield significant improvements, limiting the model’s effectiveness.

Resource Intensiveness

Fine-tuning large language models is resource-intensive, demanding substantial computational power and memory. The process involves multiple training iterations, hyperparameter tuning, and extensive validation, all of which require significant time and computational resources. 

Organizations with limited access to high-performance computing infrastructure may find it challenging to fine-tune large models. The costs associated with these resources can also be prohibitive, particularly for smaller enterprises or research groups. However, newer PEFT methods can significantly reduce this problem and make fine tuning accessible to smaller organizations.

Sustainability and Energy Consumption

Fine-tuning large language models poses sustainability challenges due to the extensive computational resources required. This intensive resource demand leads to high energy consumption, contributing to the carbon footprint of AI projects. 

The primary challenge lies in balancing the need for powerful, accurate models with the imperative to minimize environmental harm. The energy-intensive nature of fine-tuning operations requires finding ways to optimize computational processes and reduce energy consumption. 

Best Practices for Fine-Tuning LLMs 

Here are some of the measures that organizations can take to ensure the most effective fine-tuning process.

Domain-Specific Vocabulary Expansion

When fine-tuning an LLM for a specialized domain, incorporating a domain-specific vocabulary can enhance its performance. This involves identifying and integrating terms, jargon, and phrases unique to the field. 

For example, in the medical domain, ensuring the model understands and correctly uses medical terminology can improve its ability to generate accurate and contextually relevant outputs. Techniques like creating custom tokenizers or extending the existing vocabulary can help in this process.

Curriculum Learning

Curriculum learning involves gradually increasing the difficulty of the training data during the fine-tuning process. Start with simpler examples and progressively introduce more complex ones. This approach helps the model build a solid foundation before tackling more challenging tasks, improving overall learning efficiency and accuracy. 

For example, when fine-tuning an LLM for legal text analysis, begin with basic legal terminology and simple case summaries before moving on to complex legal arguments and full case reports.

Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation is a technique where a smaller, more efficient model (the student) is trained to replicate the behavior of a larger, fine-tuned model (the teacher). This approach can reduce the computational resources required for deployment while maintaining high performance. 

The distilled model can be used in resource-constrained environments, making advanced LLM capabilities accessible for a wider range of applications.

Evaluation Framework

Establish a well-designed evaluation framework to thoroughly test the fine-tuned model’s performance across different scenarios and metrics. Beyond standard accuracy metrics, consider using domain-specific evaluation criteria, such as BLEU scores for translation tasks or ROUGE scores for summarization. 

Incorporate real-world test cases and user feedback to ensure the model performs well in practical applications. Regularly benchmark against baseline models to quantify improvements and identify areas for further enhancement.

Incorporate Adversarial Training

Adversarial training involves exposing the model to intentionally crafted inputs designed to cause it to fail. This technique helps in identifying and mitigating weaknesses, making the model more resilient. 

For example, in the context of sentiment analysis, adversarial examples could include sarcastic comments or ambiguous phrases. Training the model to handle such inputs improves its ability to generalize and perform accurately in diverse real-world situations.

AI Testing & Validation with Kolena

Kolena is an AI/ML testing & validation platform that solves one of AI’s biggest problems: the lack of trust in model effectiveness. The use cases for AI are enormous, but AI lacks trust from both builders and the public. It is our responsibility to build that trust with full transparency and explainability of ML model performance, not just from a high-level aggregate ‘accuracy’ number, but from rigorous testing and evaluation at scenario levels.

With Kolena, machine learning engineers and data scientists can uncover hidden machine learning model behaviors, easily identify gaps in the test data coverage, and truly learn where and why a model is underperforming, all in minutes not weeks. Kolena’s AI / ML model testing and validation solution helps developers build safe, reliable, and fair systems by allowing companies to instantly stitch together razor-sharp test cases from their data sets, enabling them to scrutinize AI/ML models in the precise scenarios those models will be unleashed upon the real world. Kolena platform transforms the current nature of AI development from experimental into an engineering discipline that can be trusted and automated.

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